Welcome to Kiwii's Toolbox

Kiwii's Toolbox is a fan-made set of tools created to help you in your gaming adventures! It wil help you maximise your score and increase your knowledge in all awesome Games made by Kepithor Studios!

You can find all of their games in the KingdomKarnage Links page.
Or visit the KingdomKarnage website for more info about their awesome products!

Do you want to support this fan-made site and help develop it further? You can use this referal code to register to any KK game: xop1wm4n

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KKH Time to Cap Calculator

This tool is used to tell long you have before your energy reaches your current energy cap in Kingdom Karnage Heroes, meaning that any energy gained past that is wasted. You should always spend your energy before reaching that point.

Just insert your current energy, your max energy cap and check the "double rate" if you have bought the double energy boost then press calculate to get a prediction.

Current energy Max Energy Double rate